Do you have a physical business?
Click hereOnline payment made faster!
DeluPay is the alternative to credit cards.
Simpler, faster, more secure and at least 2 times cheaper.
Free trial Simulate your savings
23x faster!
No information to be entered by the user, compared with a minimum of 23* for payment by credit card:
Fetch your CB from your wallet
Name of holder
Card number
Expiry date
Click on Pay
Validate your transaction in 1-click via the application
Strong authentication
"Much faster, ergonomic and very advantageous commission rates for e-merchants. At last, a real alternative to conventional payment methods."
Anthony C.
Founder of Official Vegan Shop
The cheapest payment
Simple: No fixed costs, no subscription, no commitment.
Transparent: A single commission rate per transaction
Minimum 2x cheaper:
Opt for the customized rate and we will divide your current commission rate by 2*.
Take the test
Tell us how much you're currently paying and we'll calculate how much you'll save by accepting payments via DeluPay.
Run as many simulations as you like to compare DeluPay PRO with all your payment methods!
One payment liquid fluid !
DeluPay eliminates the steps that slow down conversion.
Ultra-secure payment in a minimum of steps to reduce shopping cart abandonment and deliver a perfect checkout experience for your customers.
A gift for your customers!
Deferred debit available for all purchases
100% free of charge and without obligation
Connected to an existing bank account
5€ free on first purchase
10,000€ to be earned per month
Purchase protection
High-security payment
Enhanced security that won't increase cart abandonment. With DeluPay, you don't have to choose between fluidity and security.
Simplified integration
Quick start: Free account creation in 5 minutes
Plug-ins available for major CMS: Prestashop, Magento, WooCommerce, Drupal Commerce, Shopify (coming soon)
Ultra-reactive telephone support, based in France.
Simplified accounting exports