Payment for good !

Simpler, faster, safer and free!
The payment method that truly replaces the bank card. Made with 💜 in France

Pay with DeluPay
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less than €15
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Why DeluPay?

Simple and free of charge, DeluPay lets you pay for your purchases with your smartphone in less than a second, without any intermediaries.

& Free

Paying with DeluPay is free and easy. Debit or credit, the choice is yours!


Pay in less than 1 second in-store and in 1 click on your smartphone.

credit card

Linked directly to your existing bank account. No more credit card fraud.

Personal data

Your data is processed and hosted securely in the European Union.

Support your local shops

Support your local shops: the lowest transaction fees on the market for all retailers.

Small move, great impact

No more bank cards, no more plastic and no more rare metals!

Now available

Cut the Card

Physical or virtual, credit cards are the most frequently defrauded payment methods.
We've found a simple solution:
No more credit cards!

Secure by design

No more payment detail  to give to merchant sites.

No more buggy 2FA

Fast, easy strong authentication.

Privacy, for real

Your data never leaves the European Union.

Totally Free

Forget credit card charges, hidden costs

Debit or credit? You decide, there's no extra charge!

With DeluPay, you have the choice of being debited immediately or at the end of the month at no extra cost. The choice is yours!

Pay at your own pace.

Delupay Pro logo

Smaller fees, Less friction, More sales

Cash in with Delupay Pro
Now available

Are you still wondering

How do I contact DeluPay customer service?

Do you have any questions? Would you like information about DeluPay and DeluPay PRO? Would you like to join our PRO private beta?

Don't hesitate to contact our friendly customer service team Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm on +33 3 73 80 80 80 (toll-free for French numbers) or send us an email at


What is DeluPay?

The application DeluPay is a new French payment method immediate or deferred debit, simpler, safer, greener and card-free.

Do I need to register a credit card in DeluPay?

You do not need to register a credit card with DeluPay. In fact, it's impossible. We are the competitor cards, not a simple digital wallet (wallet"wallet does the pass-through for a real means of payment.

Why can't I just register a credit card in DeluPay?

There are already thousands of applications that do this. Obviously, it would be easier for us to use the historical card system, but then we'd be useless. Our paymentss would be just as slows, insecure and carbon-intensive as the othersand we would have to charge merchants at least card networks.

The price of independence is the five minutes you have to spend registering. By doing so, you're helping to change the world of payments..

Why are you asking me about my profession and my income?

We can't rely on your card information because we don't take it. We only ask for the information that the law obliges us to ask for.

To combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, we are obliged to ask you for your profession and income. We will never use this information for anything other than anti-money laundering checks and setting your limit. Not now, not in 10 years, not ever.

DeluPay is instant money transfer, right? Do I need to connect my bank account?

No, not at all. In fact, mven if it's easier to connect your bank account to have a ceiling your financial capabilities, vou don't have to do soan IBAN is all you need.

So why are you proposing to connect my bank account?

Card limits are often ill-adapted: too low in relation to your income in relation to your income, or on the contrary too high, which can push people in difficult situations into overindebtedness. We make make ceiling to your measurements. There are two ways to do thiseither we retrieve the data from your bank account bank accountor you can send us your statements. It's up to you.

OK, so that's why you insist on seeing the account where I receive my salary! What if I don't want to give you my history?

We respect your privacy. It is possible not to connect your account or give your statements, but in that case you'll only have a €200 limit. If you want to do it that way, we recommend immediate debit!

Why do I need to sign a SEPA mandate?

We advance the money to the merchant, so we have to be able at the end of the month😊 You do the same thing when you take out an internet subscription!

Why is DeluPay safer than cards?

The cards carry a number that allows the merchant to debit the customer. This doesn't exist at DeluPay. No payment is possible without your consent. The QR contains the merchant's ID. So does NFC. Your phone doesn't send anything to the merchant, it's us who confirms the transaction... if you accept.

What's the difference between DeluPay and Apple Pay or Google Pay?

Apple Pay and Google Pay are not means of payment, but digital wallets (or Wallets) in which you must register a real means of payment such as a bank card.

When you pay with a wallet on your mobile you're actually paying with your payment card, to the detriment of your merchants who pay high, even very high, fees. You're also sharing your sensitive data with an American company.

Payments made via Apple Pay and Google Pay have the same drawbacks as card payments (multiple intermediaries, transaction processing times, vulnerability to fraud, high costs for merchants).

DeluPay is a payment method in its own right. When you pay with DeluPay, we are your single point of contact. We guarantee faster, safer, greener and fairer payments for your merchants.

How do I pay with DeluPay in store?

Paying has never been easier, faster or more secure. And it's a militant act!


If you want to pay by NFC, tap the merchant's DeluPay NFC chip, your phone will prompt you to open DeluPay and all you have to do is confirm the transaction.


If you want to pay by QR code, scan the merchant's DeluPay QR code in the photo application, your phone will prompt you to open DeluPay and all you have to do is confirm the transaction.


In both cases, your phone sends nothing to the merchant. We confirm the transaction.

How do I pay with DeluPay on the web?

Scan the QR code DeluPay code in the photo application, your phone will prompt you to open DeluPay and all you have to do is confirm the transaction.

And if I buy directly on my smartphone, how do I scan your QR code?

Nice try, but we're not an application that can only do QR! If you buy directly from your smartphoneyou'll see a payment button that opens the application directly. No QR code to scan!

And if I don't receive what I ordered, am I protected?

Yes, of course! If your online merchant accepts DeluPayyou can buy with complete peace of mind.

You say you're French, but are payments processed only in France?

All our payment servers are in France! No foreign cloudsno cheating! Your data stays safe here. We only use American solutions for office automation (Word, Excel) and we never process customer data.

Other French payment providers say that their foreign cloud servers are physically located in Europe. What difference does it make to have your own servers?

Under U.S. law (section 702 of theof the FISA law), the U.S. government can have access to all data hosted on a server owned by a U.S. company or one of its foreign subsidiaries. subsidiaries. So even if their cloud provider promises that the data is hosted here, in fact it's as if it were in the USA.

It's great DeluPay, but my merchant doesn't take it

Talk about DeluPay to your local businesses! It'll cost them half as much to cash as with a cardnot to mention less time at the till. It's a win-win situation. Your retailer may be ready to accept DeluPay in less than 48 hours. That change his life! Finis exorbitant fees!

What makes your company different from others?

We're here to change the world for real. Don't believe us, wait and you'll see.

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